Saturday, January 16, 2010


I learned something new. You can't get rid of an old gmail account. You can delete it. You can ignore it. But it's always out there somewhere and if you ever start another account it may come back to you. Lesson learned. I figured out when I set up my blog account for English and successfully sent a blog, it reactivated my old account my son had started and abandoned years ago. The next time I signed on it defaulted to the first account and confused me thoroughly. However, problem solved. I may not get credit for the wallet assignment, but at least I was finally able to get it posted. Small successes.


Like anything observed or studied, my wallet would be subject to observer bias. What an observer would see would be tainted by their personal experiences. Aside from normal demographics from ID cards, personality could only be assumed. What would my wallet tell a stranger about me? It could identify most of my physical traits. Although, the weight documented on my driver’s license it is not accurate and never has been.

A stranger may believe the owner of my wallet to be an overweight, middle-aged, white male. The wallet itself is black, leather and of average to small size. The corners are worn but there is no obvious damage.

There are twenty items in the wallet, five of them pictures. The pictures could indicate the owner was a family man as one of the pictures seems to be a family group shot. He appears to have three children. There are no dates on the pictures however other pictures appear to be the same children at older ages. There is one credit card. A well-worn Alaska Airlines Signature Visa that’s about to expire. What could this say? One card could imply either confidence of not needing more as the balance is low enough to handle what could be purchased. It could be the owner could only qualify for one card. Of course neither is true. There’s an ATM card from Washington Mutual; a bank that doesn’t even exist anymore. Could this be a sign of loyalty or fear of change? There is a single twenty dollar bill. At one time a small amount of money in a wallet could mean a lack of funds. In today’s world, a small amount of cash really isn’t a sign of poverty. This find, in my opinion, has no significance but a stranger may think otherwise.

The owner appears to be a firefighter and a paramedic. There is state and local ID for both and a union card from the International Association of Firefighters. He also has excellent medical insurance as evidenced by his insurance card. The AAA card implies he drives. There is also current college ID from Everett Community College and a library card from Sno-Isle Library. It could be assumed he is a college student.

There really isn’t anything truly unusual in the wallet. It does seem to draw a rather accurate picture of me. But then, I know the whys and whatnots of the contents. I know why there is only one credit card.

problem solving

I hope I figured this out this time.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Vince Evolving

I sat for a long time trying to come up with something to write for the first Blog of my life. It felt like I should come with something profound or poignant to state. I was imagining something along the line of “One Small Step for Man…” or “Veni Vidi Vici.” Maybe something more functional like; “Mister Watson, come here, I need you.” Possibly an ominous statement such as “What hath God wrought?” or frivolous like “Yabba Dabba Doo!” However, nothing comes to mind. Suffice it to say; Here I am Blog-World. Let’s rock.